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Our trips & events


We offer trips ranging from 1 day to 7 days. All trips/events will be listed on the main events page, or you can browse by either month, list or day; you can also use our event search tool at the top of the page if you have a specific day or date in mind. When trips/events are available they will be featured on the right side of the page, but this may not list all events so it’s always best to check out the main booking page.

Before you book a trip it’s always best to check out the full details and itinerary first, we have all schedules available for download upon request. You may also require additional features to compliment your booking, such as vegetarian meals or early transfers. Whatever it is, we will do our very best to accommodate it.

We are hoping to add a few more locations to our list by winter 2020 and when we finalise these they will appear in our location list page; you will be notified of this by updates if you have registered your email address with us. These locations include Iceland, Athens, New York, Santorini, Bruges and Kenya.

Remember to keep checking back as some locations may be added or changed. If there’s a location you would like to see on the list, then let us know and we’ll see what we can do.


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